Address: 45 Josephine Ave, Narre Warren VIC 3805 Phone: (03) 8762 6839
105 blog articles found.
Please see the attached flyer for information on Christmas trading hours for our uniform supplier PSW
Bookings for the Summer 2025 Teenage School Holiday Program are now OPEN!
We are thrilled to announce that Misha Hassan & Jolene Velasquez, Year 10 students at Fountain Gate Secondary College, have been accepted into the prestigious University of Melbourne Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program, Class of 2026
We are proud to announce that Misha Hassan from 10E has been awarded the 2024 Community Spirit and Leader Award presented by Julian Hill MP, Federal Member for Bruce.
Over two days, groups of Year 9 students embarked on an adventure into Melbourne CBD
Principal's Report Term 4, Week 7
The School Saving Bonus provides a one-off $400 to help Victorian families cover the costs of their kids’ school uniforms, textbooks, excursions and activities. Families will receive the bonus in Late November. A guide is attached with instructions on how you can claim your $400.
Our Year 10 entrepreneurs held a successful Market Day as a part of their studies in Business Management.
Every Friday morning, families of our refugee students are invited to attend our English and Citizenship classes
On Wednesday 6th of November, Fountain Gate Secondary college was honoured to host the Hon. Ben Carroll, Minister for Education and Belinda Wilson, MP for Narre Warren North to discuss the $400 school saving bonus.
© 2016 - 2025 | Fountain Gate Secondary College
45 Josephine Ave
Narre Warren, VIC 3805
Monday - Friday: 8:15am - 4:15pm
(excluding school and public holidays)
General Enquiries
(03) 8762 6839
Fax: (03) 9796 7401
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Absence Lines:
Year 7: (03) 8762 6822
Year 8: (03) 8762 6833
Years 9: (03) 8762 6844
Year 10: (03) 8763 6855
Years 11: (03) 8762 6866
Year 12: (03) 8762 6877
Principal: Ms Jo Cucchiara
Head of Junior School (Yrs 7, 8 & 9): Ms Christine Muir
Head of Senior School (Yrs 10, 11 & 12): Ms Carys Freeman
Pathways Leader: Ms Nancy Huez-O'Rourke
High Achievers Program Applications: Ms Vanessa Chiswell
Enrolment Enquiries: Ms Vanessa Chiswell