Introducing the Team:

Students in the Middle School are supported by a team of Student Coordinators and Educational Support staff that can be contacted any time.

Year 10 offers a diverse program to cater for a range of abilities and interests. Student are able to select a wide range of different subjects, which allows students to start thinking about their future pathways within Fountain Gate Secondary College and beyond. A dedicated Pathways team support students in identifying strengths, weakness and interests and formulate a pathway for future learning or employment.

We believe school should be an inclusive environment that is safe for all students and staff to achieve their best. This is supported with the Victorian Curriculum and Respectful Relationships program. Students have access to a range of supports to help them achieve their best while at school and in the community. Students have access to Year 10 Coordinators to help with academic and social issues at school. Student success is celebrated with awards ceremonies, Student of the Month and attendance awards. In class, teachers recognise student’s hard work with golden tickets and merit certificates. We believe it is important to recognise students for outstanding work, effort and demonstrating positive school values as it increases student confidence, learning outcomes and connectedness to school.


Year 10 - all students select two electives of their choice. They participate in Work Experience with an employer of their choice; a great opportunity to explore and experience potential career paths they may wish to follow.

Throughout the year they take part in a number of Futures Program events to support them with their future pathway selection.