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Administration of Medication Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies Medical
Last Updated: 18-07-2023
Total Downloads: 1631

Anaphylaxis Policy

Version: 2023.2
Tags: Policies Medical
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 1449

Asthma Policy

To ensure that Fountain Gate Secondary College appropriately supports students diagnosed with asthma.

Version: 2020
Tags: Policies Medical
Last Updated: 15-06-2020
Total Downloads: 1472

Attendance Policy

Version: 2023.12
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 01-12-2023
Total Downloads: 892

Bullying Prevention Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 19-07-2023
Total Downloads: 842

BYOD Usage Agreement Policy

Version: 2020
Tags: BYOD Policies
Last Updated: 15-06-2020
Total Downloads: 3107

Camps and Excursions Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 18-07-2023
Total Downloads: 1541

Child Safety Policy

Version: 2023.3
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 1064

Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 20-07-2023
Total Downloads: 1073

Complaints, Parents Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 28-07-2023
Total Downloads: 1618

Critical Incident Policy

Version: 2023.3
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 1864

Curriculum Framework

This document contains extracts from a more detailed curriculum, assessment and reporting policy statement prepared by this secondary school. These extracts are provided as contextual information to support viewing the examples of the four interrelated layers within whole-school curriculum planning.

Version: 2020
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 15-06-2020
Total Downloads: 1551

DET Information Privacy Policy

The Department of Education and Training (which includes all Victorian government schools, central and regional offices) values the privacy of every person and is committed to protecting information that schools collect. All staff, service providers (contractors) and agents, (whether paid or unpaid) of the Department, and this Victorian government school (our school), must comply with Victorian privacy law and this policy. In Victorian government schools the management of ‘personal information’ and ‘health information’ is governed by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) (collectively, Victorian privacy law). This policy explains how our school collects and manages personal and health information, consistent with Victorian privacy law.

Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 387

Digital Learning Policy

Version: 2023.3
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 975

Duty of Care Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 31-07-2023
Total Downloads: 726

Emergency Management Policy

A situation involving a potentially violent intruder at an early childhood service or school may be the most significant emergency that such a facility may ever encounter. These emergencies develop with unpredictability and speed and may be carefully planned or completely random. Fortunately these types of situations are rare in Australia. Where they have occurred overseas they are usually over within several minutes. What has also been learned from international experience is that these events don’t follow a predictable pattern so it is not possible to establish a single set of response procedures.

Version: 2020
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 15-06-2020
Total Downloads: 1625


This policy was last updated on 14/06/2020 and is scheduled for review in June 2021.

Enrolment Policy

Version: 2023.2
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 1650

First Aid Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies Medical
Last Updated: 18-07-2023
Total Downloads: 1447

Health Care Needs Policy

Version: 2023.2
Tags: Policies Medical
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 1448

Inclusion Diversity Policy

Version: 2023.3
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 2110

Mobile Phones - Student Use Policy

In accordance with the Department’s Mobile Phones Policy issued by the Minister for Education, personal mobile phones must not be used at Fountain Gate Secondary College during school hours, including lunchtime and recess, unless an exception has been granted.

Version: 2022
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 09-09-2022
Total Downloads: 1247

Parent Payment Policy

Version: 2023.3
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 579

Parent Payment Policy - One Page Overview

Version: 2023.2
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 574

Parent Payments Policy - DET Resources

To ensure that parent payment practices are consistent, transparent and ensure that all children have access to the standard curriculum.

Version: 2023
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 104

Photographing, Filming And Recording Students Policy

Version: 2018
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 15-06-2020
Total Downloads: 1345

Placement Policy - DET Resources

This section of the Department’s enrolment guidelines outlines the obligations on Victorian government schools in relation to placement of students and is referred to as the Placement Policy.

Version: 2021
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 27-03-2023
Total Downloads: 1

Privacy Collection Statement Policy

Version: 2021.4
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 03-06-2021
Total Downloads: 3646

Respect For School Staff Policy

To ensure that members of our community understand Fountain Gate Secondary College’s expectations for appropriate interactions with school staff.

Version: 2018
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 15-06-2020
Total Downloads: 1645

Smoking Vaping Policy

Version: 2023.11
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 23-11-2023
Total Downloads: 760

Statement of Values and Philosophy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 19-07-2023
Total Downloads: 615

Student Driving to School Policy

Version: 2020
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 31-07-2020
Total Downloads: 1541

Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 19-07-2023
Total Downloads: 924

Sunsmart Policy

Version: 2018
Tags: Policies Medical
Last Updated: 15-06-2020
Total Downloads: 1422

Uniform Policy

Version: 2017
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 15-06-2020
Total Downloads: 2811

VCE Handbook

Fountain Gate Secondary College Assessment Policy is designed to ensure that all students have access to fair and equal opportunities in their VCE. The result of the completion of a unit will either be ‘S’ (Satisfactory), ‘N’ (Not Satisfactory) or ‘J’ (did not complete unit due to attendance or withdrawal from subject). In order for students to achieve a satisfactory result, they must satisfy the requirements set out in the VCAA Study Design. Fountain Gate Secondary College believes that in order to maximise students’ potential and achievement in the VCE, students must be punctual and attend all timetabled classes. In accordance with the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority (VCAA) requirements, Fountain Gate Secondary College believes students should attend all timetabled and pre-arranged classes. We believe that this will allow students sufficient class time to successfully complete set class work, School Assessed Tasks (SAT’s) and School Assessed Coursework (SAC’s). Student attendance/absence falls under the following main categories in accordance with VCAA: Not Present (school explained), Not Present (parent explained), and Not Present (unexplained). In addition to these categories, the attendance will either be documented as ‘VCE compliant’, or not. In order for the absence to be ‘VCE Compliant’ certain legal documentation including original medical certificate, funeral notice or court notice needs to be provided.

Version: 2024
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 15-08-2024
Total Downloads: 3369

The Fountain Gate Secondary College Assessment Policy aims to ensure that:

  • All students have the opportunity to complete VCE to the very best of their ability.

  • All students, teachers and school community are aware of the rules and expectations outlined by VCAA.

  • All students are treated fairly and in a consistent manner.

  • All students have access to clear and consistent assessment practices.

  • All students are supported with their learning.

  • All students completing a VCE program attend school and all timetabled classes regularly.

Visitors Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 19-07-2023
Total Downloads: 1474

Volunteers Policy

To provide a safe and secure environment for students and staff. To establish protocols and procedures that effectively monitor and manage volunteers without compromising the open and inclusive nature of the school.

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 19-07-2023
Total Downloads: 1397

Yard Duty and Supervision Policy

Version: 2023.7
Tags: Policies
Last Updated: 19-07-2023
Total Downloads: 723
Download Tags Size File Version Last Modified Downloads
Administration of Medication Policy Policies Medical 146.0 kB2023.718-07-20231631
Anaphylaxis Policy Policies Medical 292.9 kB2023.227-03-20231449
Asthma Policy Policies Medical 247.2 kB202015-06-20201472
Attendance Policy Policies 289.3 kB2023.1201-12-2023892
Bullying Prevention Policy Policies 269.8 kB2023.719-07-2023842
BYOD Usage Agreement Policy BYOD Policies 91.5 kB202015-06-20203107
Camps and Excursions Policy Policies 748.7 kB2023.718-07-20231541
Child Safety Policy Policies 321.7 kB2023.327-03-20231064
Child Safety Responding and Reporting Obligations Policy Policies 325.0 kB2023.720-07-20231073
Complaints, Parents Policy Policies 362.9 kB2023.728-07-20231618
Critical Incident Policy Policies 211.9 kB2023.327-03-20231864
Curriculum Framework Policies 175.5 kB202015-06-20201551
DET Information Privacy Policy Policies N/A27-03-2023N/A
Digital Learning Policy Policies 412.7 kB2023.327-03-2023975
Duty of Care Policy Policies 167.2 kB2023.731-07-2023726
Emergency Management Policy Policies 186.2 kB202015-06-20201625
Enrolment Policy Policies 283.0 kB2023.227-03-20231650
First Aid Policy Policies Medical 166.0 kB2023.718-07-20231447
Health Care Needs Policy Policies Medical 176.7 kB2023.227-03-20231448
Inclusion Diversity Policy Policies 238.4 kB2023.327-03-20232110
Mobile Phones - Student Use Policy Policies 227.2 kB202209-09-20221247
Parent Payment Policy Policies 380.9 kB2023.327-03-2023579
Parent Payment Policy - One Page Overview Policies 262.2 kB2023.227-03-2023574
Parent Payments Policy - DET Resources Policies N/A202327-03-2023N/A
Photographing, Filming And Recording Students Policy Policies 223.3 kB201815-06-20201345
Placement Policy - DET Resources Policies N/A202127-03-2023N/A
Privacy Collection Statement Policy Policies 103.1 kB2021.403-06-20213646
Respect For School Staff Policy Policies 142.8 kB201815-06-20201645
Smoking Vaping Policy Policies 299.4 kB2023.1123-11-2023760
Statement of Values and Philosophy Policies 256.7 kB2023.719-07-2023615
Student Driving to School Policy Policies 243.8 kB202031-07-20201541
Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy Policies 298.7 kB2023.719-07-2023924
Sunsmart Policy Policies Medical 181.5 kB201815-06-20201422
Uniform Policy Policies 84.4 kB201715-06-20202811
VCE Handbook Policies 308.3 kB202415-08-20243369
Visitors Policy Policies 263.1 kB2023.719-07-20231474
Volunteers Policy Policies 275.6 kB2023.719-07-20231397
Yard Duty and Supervision Policy Policies 344.4 kB2023.719-07-2023723
38 Total Item(s) , 0 New Item(s) 52649 Total Downloads